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Caroline Christina

Name: Caroline Christina
Website: carolinechristina.com
Instagram: @carolinecchristina

Please introduce yourself and what you do.

I´m a creative person that needs to be near nature, love to visit new places, yoga, spend time with family and friends and cook.
I live in Stockholm and work as an artist and model and just started studying PR and Communication.

If you could own one piece of art, what would it be and why?

It's so difficult to just pick one..
Alberto Ciacometti´s 'The walking man', Amadeo Modigliani's 'Tête' or a self portrait from Egon Scheile. I found these three very interesting and moving.
I was in Vienna two years ago and saw Egon Scheiles paintings, both me and my fiance started crying and felt so much. There is something so special and unique when you feel so strong about an artwork.

What – in your opinion – makes a great artist?

I want to feel something when I look at an artwork or a sculpture, It doesn't have to be like it was in Vienna (that's very odd to be me), but I want a glimpse of that,
something extra. And I don't like to feel "I can do this in one minute myself".

What would you like people to notice in your work?

I want people to feel free and interpret what they see the way they want or need.
I paint Oysters and Caviar but I've heard Islands, ears, eyes, satellite images, space, water, the woman's gender, that they see different things depending on angle.
That's so interesting and satisfying.

If you could collaborate with one artist, from any time, who would it be, and why?

Probably Gustav Klimt (1862-1918). I feel like I could learn so much from him and he also found the female body powerful and beautiful.
There are so many details in his paintings but they are still so calm in my opinion, which I really like.
Or Leonardo Da Vinci.

Which other female (artist) inspires you and why?

Camille Claudel. I think that kind of sculptures are so dreamy and real, It makes me think of another time and fantasy, and I also think it inspires me because it feels far away from what I can do. Georgia O´Keeffe, Elisabeth Vigée, Coco Chanel and Suzanne Belperron also inspire me.

Thank you so much for having me. Don't hesitate to contact me if you are wondering something about my art or anything else.

Each monday we bring you an interview with a female artist. Follow MUNTHE ART MONDAY here.