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Instagram: @wolffiainc

Introduce yourself and tell us about what you do

My name is Emily Jackson, and my artist moniker is Wolffia Inc. I had a long career as a hair and make-up artist, this was a love affair with materials and canvases of a different kind. I had a break having children and I was then eager to get back to where my creative journey through life really started and begin my artwork again. My compositions feature bold expressive colours, clashing patterns and varied textures.

Could you explain more about how being a woman has affected your career?

As a woman, but also a mother, I have picked an opportune moment to focus on myself and my own pursuits again, at a time that felt right for my family dynamic. The baby days are completely absorbing and need to be savoured. All too soon your children's attention, and indeed their developmental best interests are not exclusively about you anymore. When my two little ones began their days at nursery, I seriously began to turn my focus to what I wanted to do creatively again. 

Speaking from my own experience, having my own interests and career has definitely been an essential part of recognising myself again as a woman moving through the stages of motherhood. You go through a huge number of changes and it's very subtle. When you're ready, you feel it and all of a sudden, an area of you that you have gladly put to the back, starts to come to the front again.

I am an emerging artist and beginning new relationships with galleries and collectors. It has been a thrilling time so far and I have been working with some amazing people.

Can you name some other female (artist) that inspires you and explain why they do so?

So many to mention! Becky Blair, Alma Goering - I love both artists for their use of colour. Kyveli Zoi, I own one of her pieces and I adore it. As well as Eva Magill Oliver. I do buy quite a lot of artworks and for me that is important too. If you can, you should support artists and buy work. It keeps the world turning.

An important female figure in the artworld to me personally is Adele Smejkal - she owns Artistellar and was the first gallery to take me on. She knows a thing or two about supporting female artists. Check them out.

What has been the most challenging aspect of being a female artist?

I think there is just an awareness across all creative industries that males find their way to the top more prominently than females. But I think many things are turning the tide on this, especially within the last two years. I see a lot of online shows/group shows etc that are all female artists. Galleries that only work with female artists to raise their profiles. I think over time the playing field will start to level up. Female artists are also very supportive of other females in my experience. As well, I have some great male artist friends online who support me and have been so instrumental to my development. Alex Giles being one of them.

What would you like people to notice in your artwork?

My work is an expression of happiness. I consistently speak with buyers who say, 'we want something really happy for this space', so the message is definitely getting to the right people. People are attracted to art and the respective creator for so many different reasons. All I want to do is bring light and joy into spaces to lift and invigorate them. I always include a lot of texture and variety within the compositions. Some of that is really only visible up close so there is a lot more than the first glimpse to take in.

Each Monday we bring you a fresh new interview with a female artist.