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MUNTHE ensures confirmation clothes for placed girls

MUNTHE has gone wholeheartedly into helping girls who for some reason are either placed in foster care, in an institution or at a place of residence. In connection with their confirmation they will receive a gift card worth DKK 900 to one of MUNTHE's stores.
The distribution will take place through the Danish non-profit aid organization The Child Welfare Day (Børnehjælpsdagen), which is working as a business fund. The Child Welfare Day purpose is to strengthen the personal and social competencies of placed children and vulnerable young people in Denmark. The aim is to make our young people more resilient and give them a better chance at mastering their own lives.
Many placed young people come from families where it can be financially difficult to keep up with the parties and the ‘gift rain’ that confirmands from more traditional families experience. Confirmation clothes, the party, expenses for “Blue Monday” are all something that runs up the bill - and can be incredibly difficult to live up to if you do not have the resources.

The reason that MUNTHE, once again, has chosen to help the Child Welfare Day help these children, is to take some of the pressure that the young girls are experiencing off of their shoulders. "A few years ago, I supported some girls who were placed in an orphanage, with clothes for their confirmation and for Blue Monday. Back then, it made a big impression on me how challenged the girls were in relation to their peers, who received big parties, gifts and money. There is no doubt that the goods of the world are unevenly distributed, and some have access to much and others to little. I am happy that with our contribution we can hopefully help to show these girls that we think of them and support them"- says Naja Munthe.

Ida Lissau Jacobsen, Project & Event Manager at Børnehjælpsdagen also appreciates the initiative; “We are extremely grateful that there are people like Naja Munthe who think of others - and in this case of the placed children and young people who wish to be confirmed. It is imperative for us that we have strong partners who can help lift the task of making young people feel seen and heard.

In relation to the confirmation gifts, this collaboration means that a completely unfamiliar luxury comes into play in relation to the confirmation gifts. Many of the placed confirmands with whom we have contact with come from broken family relations, which makes a celebration of the confirmation a problematic event. In addition, there is a small budget associated with a confirmation, and the gifts can also rarely be compared to the young people's friends - a gift card from MUNTHE is not something that the young people in any way expect, therefore it will create so much joy for them, and it will give them a feeling that what they wish for can become true”- says Ida Lissau Jacobsen.